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AVL Tree, AVL Sorting Algorithm

· 8 min read
Lam Tran


In the previous post, I talked about the binary search tree. With efficiency in search, insert, delete,... binary search tree can be done in logrithmic time (Θ(logn){\Theta(logn)}) in the average case. In this article, I will talk about AVL tree, which is a type of binary search tree, ensuring that in all cases, the time complexity of the above operations is the same Θ(logn){\Theta(logn)}.

1. AVL tree

An AVL tree is a balanced binary search tree in which the heights of the left and right subtrees differ by at most 1 (1){(1)}. In the process of performing operations on the tree that make the tree unbalanced, we need to rebalance the tree to ensure the nature of the tree (1){(1)}.

2. Tree height assessment

The height of the tree

h{h} = max{ left subtree height, right subtree height } + 1

The heights of the nodes are numbered as shown above.

With the property (1){(1)}, the worst case of an AVL tree occurs when the right subtree is 1 unit taller than the left subtree for all nodes (or vice versa).

For Nh{N{_h}} is the smallest number of nodes in a tree of height h{h}.


With the diagram above, we have

NO(1)=O(1){N{_ {O(1)}} = O(1)}Nh=1+Nh1+Nh2{N{_ h} = 1 + N{_ {h-1}} + N{_{h-2}}}

2.1. First approach

The above expression reminds us of the fibonacci sequence, we have Nh>Fh{N{_h} > F{_h}} với Fh{F{_h}} is the hth{h^{th}} fibonacci. We have Fh=γh5{F{_h} = \frac{\gamma^h}{\sqrt{5}}}, with γ=1.61803398875...{\gamma = 1.61803398875...}, (golden ratio).

With Nh=n{N{_h} = n} (the number of nodes in the tree).

n>γh5=>h<logγn=>h<1.440log2n{ n > \frac{\gamma^h}{\sqrt{5}} => h < log{_\gamma}n => h < 1.440log{_2}n }.

2.2. Second approach

=>Nh=1+Nh1+Nh2{=> N{_ h} = 1 + N{_ {h-1}} + N{_{h-2}}}

=>Nh>1+2Nh2{=> N{_ h} > 1 + 2N{_{h-2}}}

=>Nh>2Nh2{=> N{_ h} > 2N{_{h-2}}}

=>h<2log2n{=> h < 2log{_2}n}

Therefore, h=O(logn){h = O(logn)}.

3. AVL tree operations

3.1. Node insertion, node deletion, search node

The above operations in an AVL tree are the same as in a binary search tree, with h=O(logn){h = O(logn)}. The difference in node insertion and deletion is that after performing those operations, we need to do an extra step of tree balancing to ensure the integrity of the tree (1){(1)}.

3.2. Tree balancing activities

The following example demonstrates the need for tree rebalancing

Suppose we have the following tree


We want to insert 23{23} into the tree, perform the insertion as in a binary search tree. After inserting, we see the property (1){(1)} violated. We need to rebalance the tree to get


3.2.1. Balance factor

In a binary tree, the balance factor is defined as follows:

BF(x){BF(x)} = height of left subtree if x{x} {-} height of right subtree of x{x}.

Thus, in the AVL tree, we have BF(x)1,0,1{BF(x) \in \\{-1, 0, 1\\} }.

3.2.2. Tree balancing operations

When the BF of a certain node has a value that is not in the above set of values, then we need to re-balancing the tree. We have two basic types of balancing operations of AVL trees: right rotation and left rotation


3.3. Tree balancing in specific cases

3.3.1. Left left case

This case occurs when a node has BF = 2 and its left subtree has BF = 1. Then, we only need 1 right rotation at the node to be considered, then the tree is balanced.

Left Left

3.3.2. Left right case

This case occurs when a node has BF = 2 and its left subtree has BF = -1. Then, we need to do the following 2 steps in turn

  • Left rotation left subtree.
  • Right rotation the node to be considered.

Left Right

3.3.3. Right right case

This case occurs when a node has BF = -2 and its right subtree has BF = -1. Then, we only need 1 left rotation at the node to be considered, then the tree is balanced.

Right Right

3.3.4. Right left case

This case occurs when a node has BF = -2 and its left subtree has BF = 1. Then, we need to do the following 2 steps in turn

  • Right rotation right subtree.
  • Left rotation the node to be considered.

Right Left

4. Python code for tree balancing activities

# ---------------------------METHOD TO HELP BALANCE THE TREE---------------------------
# y x
# / \ Right Rotation / \
# x T3 - - - - - - - > T1 y
# / \ < - - - - - - - / \
# T1 T2 Left Rotation T2 T3

# ---------------------------BALANCE THE TREE IN PARTICULAR CASES---------------------------
# -----Left Left Case
# z y
# / \ / \
# y T4 Right Rotate (z) x z
# / \ - - - - - - - - -> / \ / \
# x T3 T1 T2 T3 T4
# / \
# T1 T2
# -----Left Right Case
# z z x
# / \ / \ / \
# y T4 Left Rotate (y) x T4 Right Rotate(z) y z
# / \ - - - - - - - - -> / \ - - - - - - - -> / \ / \
# T1 x y T3 T1 T2 T3 T4
# / \ / \
# T2 T3 T1 T2
# -----Right Right Case
# z y
# / \ / \
# T1 y Left Rotate(z) z x
# / \ - - - - - - - -> / \ / \
# T2 x T1 T2 T3 T4
# / \
# T3 T4
# -----Right Left Case
# z z x
# / \ / \ / \
# T1 y Right Rotate (y) T1 x Left Rotate(z) z y
# / \ - - - - - - - - -> / \ - - - - - - - -> / \ / \
# x T4 T2 y T1 T2 T3 T4
# / \ / \
# T2 T3 T3 T4

class AVLNode:
def __init__(self, val):
self.left = None
self.right = None
self.val = val
self.height = 1

class AVLTree:
def insert(self, root, key):
# perform bst
if not root:
return AVLNode(key)
if root.val < key:
root.right = self.insert(root.right, key)
if root.val > key:
root.left = self.insert(root.left, key)
# update the height of the ancestor node
root.height = 1 + max(self.get_height(root.left),

# get balance factor
balance = self.get_balance(root)

# perform balance
# left left
if balance > 1 and key < root.left.val:
return self.right_rotate(root)
# right right
if balance < -1 and key > root.right.val:
return self.left_rotate(root)
# left right
if balance > 1 and key > root.left.val:
root.left = self.left_rotate(root.left)
return self.right_rotate(root)
# right left
if balance < -1 and key < root.left.val:
root.right = self.right_rotate(root.right)
return self.left_rotate(root)

return root

def left_rotate(self, x):
y = x.right
T2 = y.left

y.left = x
x.right = T2

x.height = 1 + max(self.get_height(x.left), self.get_height(x.right))
y.height = 1 + max(self.get_height(y.left), self.get_height(y.right))

return y

def right_rotate(self, y):
x = y.left
T2 = x.right

x.right = y
y.left = T2

x.height = 1 + max(self.get_height(x.left), self.get_height(x.right))
y.height = 1 + max(self.get_height(y.left), self.get_height(y.right))

return x

def get_height(self, root):
if not root:
return 0

return root.height

def get_balance(self, root):
if not root:
return 0

return self.get_height(root.left) - self.get_height(root.right)

def inorder(self, root):
if root is not None:

avl_tree = AVLTree()
root = None

root = avl_tree.insert(root, 20)
root = avl_tree.insert(root, 10)
root = avl_tree.insert(root, 30)
root = avl_tree.insert(root, 40)
root = avl_tree.insert(root, 50)
root = avl_tree.insert(root, 5)
root = avl_tree.insert(root, 15)
root = avl_tree.insert(root, 25)
root = avl_tree.insert(root, 55)


5. AVL sorting algorithm

Given an array of n{n} elements, the AVL sorting algorithm is done through the following steps

  • Perform inserts n{n} elements into AVL tree. Each inserted operation costs O(logn){O(logn)} time (as in a binary search tree). We need to insert n{n} elements, so the time complexity of the process will be O(nlogn){O(nlogn)}.
  • We perform inorder traversal (as in a binary search tree). This causes us to go through all the elements, so the time complexity of the process is O(n){O(n)}.

Therefore, the total time complexity is O(n+nlogn)=O(nlogn){O(n + nlogn) = O(nlogn)}. However, because of the extra O(n){O(n)} makes this AVL sorting algorithm inefficient and less practical than the other sorting algorithms that I have listed.

6. Additional notes

Readers can find visualizations for AVL tree operations at USFCA website.

7. References

AVL tree

AVL Trees: Rotations, Insertion, Deletion with C++ Example