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· 7 min read
Lam Tran

Snowflake is one of the most popular data warehouse solutions nowaday because of the various features that it can provide you to build a complete data platform. Understanding the Snowflake storage layer not only helps us to have a deep dive into how it organizes the data under the hood but it is also crucial for performance optimization of your queries.

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· 7 min read
Lam Tran

I have participated in fews technical interviews and have discussed with people topics around data engineering and things they have done in the past. Most of them are familiar with Apache Spark, obviously, one of the most adopted frameworks for big data processing. What I have been asked and what I often ask them is simple concepts around RDD, Dataframe, and Dataset and the differences between them. It sounds quite fundamental, right? Not really. If we have more closer look at them, there are lots of interesting things that can help us understand and choose which is the best suited for our project.

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· 8 min read
Lam Tran

Spark is an in-memory data processing framework that can quickly perform processing tasks on very large data sets, and can also distribute tasks across multiple computers. Spark applications are memory heavy, hence, it is obvious that memory management plays a very important role in the whole system.

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· 11 min read
Lam Tran

State is a very crucial part of React applications which will help update the information of the React components to change UI accordingly and make our application interactive with clients. In this article, I will walk you through the usage of state, its characteristic, and how we can use state in an efficient way.

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· 5 min read
Lam Tran

Spark and Ranger are widely used by many enterprises because of their powerful features. Spark is an in-memory data processing framework and Ranger is a framework to enable, monitor and manage comprehensive data security across the Hadoop platform. Thus, Ranger can be used to do authorization for Spark SQL and this blog will walk you through the integration of those two frameworks. This is the first part of the series, where we install the Ranger framework on our machine, and additionally, Apache Solr for auditing.


· 15 min read
Lam Tran

Spark catalyst optimizer is located at the core of Spark SQL with the purpose of optimizing structured queries expressed in SQL or through DataFrame/Dataset APIs, minimizing application running time and costs. When using Spark, often people see the catalyst optimizer as a black box, when we assume that it works mysteriously without really caring what happens inside it. In this article, I will go in depth of its logic, its components, and how the Spark session extension participates to change the Catalyst's plans.

spark catalyst optimizer

· 11 min read
Lam Tran

Indexing is a method to make queries faster, which is a very important part of improving performance. For large data tables, precise indexing will increase the query speed as a whole, however, this is often not taken into account in the table design process. This article talks about the types of indexes and how to properly index them.
